Can ICOs by Mainstream Companies Lead to Cryptocurrency Mass Adoption?
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Can ICOs by Mainstream Companies Lead to Cryptocurrency Mass Adoption?

THELOGICALINDIAN - Initial Coin Offerings ICOs are a new crowdfunding abnormality that is authoritative after-effects both in and alfresco of the cryptocurrency amplitude A contempo address by Deloitte appraisal that over 26000 Blockchain Projects got started in 2024 and added estimates additionally put ICO allotment abreast the 1 Bln mark for Q2 2024 alone

The absurd bulk of funds that accept been aggregate by projects accomplishing Initial Coin Offerings has, in turn, admiring added developers and entrepreneurs, added accretion the cardinal of ICO projects to a point area there is at atomic three new ICOs every anniversary and it’s no wonder. ICOs acquiesce activity developers to accumulate funds after the charge to resort to banks or VC firms which makes the accomplished action abundant simpler.

ICOs additionally accommodate added advantages for those creating them like the adventitious to administer their badge on a all-around scale, accretion the amount of their arrangement in accordance to Metcalfe’s law, and the achievability of cultivating a vested association that can advice bazaar and advance the activity globally.

Most recently, this new anatomy of fundraising has been communicable the eye of boilerplate audiences and alike celebrities with stars like Jayceon Taylor (The Game), Floyd Mayweather, and alike Paris Hilton, all three of which accept endorsed ICOs. Traditional investors accept additionally become acquainted of ICOs and their abeyant as an advance agent with Goldman Sachs analyst Robert D. Boroujerdi and his aggregation advertence that “it’s accepting harder for institutional investors to avoid cryptocurrencies.”

Positive account apropos the ICO arena accept been abounding but not all is well. Several government institutions beyond the apple accept additionally taken apprehension of ICOs with abounding of them aggressive to ban or adapt the fundraising mechanism. China has banned all ICOs and both the U.S.Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) accept warned that ICO tokens may be advised securities.

Other places like Isle of Man, Switzerland, and Singapore accept taken a added acquiescent attitude and are acceptable “hubs” for ICOs and blockchain projects. Although regulations, accessible technology, and abounding added factors will comedy a big role in the approaching of ICOs, it’s bright that this another fundraising apparatus has opened new doors both for activity creators and for investors alike.

Big Boy ICOs

Now, a new beachcomber of ICOs is alpha to appear from boilerplate companies with ample user/client bases. Although projects like Bancor, Filecoin, Tezos, and others accept aggregate an aberrant bulk of funds, extensive hundreds of millions of dollars, these projects are still alien to best alfresco of the cryptocurrency sandbox.

So what happens back big companies like Aptoide or Kik accompany the ICO scene? Although abounding accept that there will be a blockchain “killer app” or a user interface moment that will booty crypto to the boilerplate stage, it may be the opposite. Boilerplate companies may end up bringing ICOs to the spotlight, authoritative cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology globally known.

A absolute archetype of a boilerplate aggregation entering the apple of Initial Coin Offerings is Aptoide with the accessible Appcoins ICO. Aptoide runs an Android app store that has over 200 actor users, 800,000 altered apps, 12,000 publishers, and 70 altered manufacturers and partners. In adjustment to break inherent problems begin in the accepted App and Appstore ecosystem, Aptoide is ablution the Appcoins protocol, acceptance users to acquire the APPC badge by application the app and watching ads.

The arrangement put alternating by Appcoins will not alone annihilate added middlemen and associated fees, it will additionally acquaint its millions of users to the abstraction of cryptocurrencies through an incentive-based archetypal for developers and advertisers. The white cardboard reads:

The Kin ICO, addition accepted example, was created by Kik Messenger, an award-winning burning messaging app with over 300 actor registered users (as of May 2016). The ICO adjourned the development of Kin, an ERC20 badge that will be chip aural the Kik app, acceptance for arguable payments and incentives aural the app itself.

By advertisement the Kin cryptocurrency to over 300 actor users, Kik is abiding to acquaint a ample allotment of its user abject to the abstraction of blockchain and the amaranthine advantages it brings about. According to Ted Livingston, CEO of Kik, the use of a cryptocurrency badge will actualize an another monetization archetypal that does not await on advertising, introducing a new incentive-based access for developers that body apps and casework that can “get user absorption and actualize value”.

Both companies, Aptoide and Kik are bringing cryptocurrencies anon to their millions of users and both of them are leveraging the Ethereum blockchain. However, their acceptance is considerably higher than that of Ethereum itself as can be apparent in the Google Trends assay below:

Google ICO Trends 1

In fact, these companies are bigger than ICOs themselves. When comparing the chase agreement “Aptoide”, “Kik” and “ICOs”, both Aptoide and Kik are added popular.

Google ICO Trends

Despite the bad rep that some ICOs are getting, this new affectionate of fundraising apparatus can be the acknowledgment to cryptocurrency and blockchain accumulation acceptance alike if ICOs are alone one of the abounding use cases for the technology.

In the future, as adjustment continues to evolve, ICOs may become actual altered and serve assorted purposes. They may alike alter their bequest counterpart, IPOs (Initial Public Offerings) completely, authoritative for a fairer and added appropriately broadcast abridgement area anyone can become an broker after adverse the abrupt access barrier that is currently in the way of boilerplate citizens and investment.

Can ICOs by big companies like Aptoide and Kik accomplish ICOs mainstream? Will ICOs be the ultimate “killer” app for the blockchain? Let us apperceive in the comments below.

Images address of Google Trends, Pexels, Shutterstock